there has been a lot going on at the Davidson household for the last few weeks. We are getting ready for the little man of course. We are painting his room Monday or Tuesday & we had two showers last weekend. One here in Cle Elum for the Eastsiders & one in Bellevue at Doug & Janet's house for the westsiders. They were both really fun & we hope everyone had a good time! We really loved seeing everyone!! Especially people we haven't seen since as long ago as our wedding! I still can't believe we have been back home since summer & have missed out on seeing so many people!! We will try to be better about visiting friends in the future!...although, we may be a bit busy with the baby for a while.
Our house is quickly filling up with baby stuff. I am trying to keep it contained! We are hoping to keep his room as the guest room for a while, and have him staying in our room at first, mostly so I don't have to go trudging across the house at all hours of the night to feed & change him. I figure that all those extra minutes that I save wandering around are extra minutes of sleep I will be getting. It probably means much less sleep for Ben, but some sacrifices need to be made. It's funny, because our guest room bed is a king & the baby's room is tiny, so not much room to maneuver around once all the little man stuff is in there. Oh well. Guests will understand I'm sure. It just looks a little messy.
We are on our last "vacation" right now before I am not able to travel anymore. We are in Port Angeles at Cy's house finishing up her deck & getting Ben a bit of surfing in. We should be home on Monday. I could be due any time, so I have to stay near the hospital after this weekend until he shows up. It's funny to think that this is the last trip we will be on alone together. We are so excited to be having this baby! We can't wait.
We were out of town all last week as well starting Cy's deck project & had my mom watching our chickens for us. Thanks again by the way! We got home & on Monday morning realized that the "hens" were crowing!!! they had never done that before!! Ben had a suspicion that the supposed female chickens were roosters, but I wasn't convinced....until Monday. Turns out that out of the 4 "guaranteed Hens" that we bought we are really the proud owners of 3 roosters & one poor hen. Over the last week they have really started to develop their crows. At first they were just tiny little half crows, but they are quick learners. Now we get three roosters competing for loudest longest crow of the day....all day long! They chase poor eggbert (our hen) around & sit on her quite often. I think they are claiming her. She has become a pretty fast runner. We will put pictures up soon. Who knew chickens could be so exciting! Ben wants to eat them, but I raised them & am quite attached, so I am only willing to give two away to happy homes who promise not to eat them. If anyone is interested, they are Buff Orpingtons. They are a fancy rare breed layer chicken known to lay double yolk eggs & are also known strangely enough for their personalities. They bond with people & become attached to you. They are quiet chickens...yes, the roosters crow, but really not too loud. We can't even hear it in the house most of the time. They are HUGE chickens. bigger than a small dog or cat.
Well, other than that,we are getting ready for the holidays. Thanksgiving will be at our house this year! I can't go too far, so we are bringing the party to ourselves. We have an estimated 16 people on the way as of right now...but the way things are going, we will have more than that by the time the day arrives. I hope everyone is up for getting cozy, because we have a small house! I'm excited though! It's going to be nice to see everyone, especially since we have no idea what we are doing for Christmas this year. If we have the baby early enough, we will be able to travel...If not, well, I guess we are on our own. I know we will be tired, but we are hoping that we can still drop in on the family for Christmas. We will just have to hand him off & take naps if it works out time wise.
Ok, well gotta go check out the farmer's market with Cy now. We will put pics up when we get home.
Hope to hear from you soon!
love, Kristen & Ben