Where to start?
It's been a while since we wrote. We have been really busy & Ben & I have been sick with a nasty cough the last few weeks. Henry is healthy though luckily. We have been walking around like zombies a lot from lack of sleep. Ben has been working hard helping Hamish with the house. The job site is showing progress, although it's moving a bit slow due to the amount of special order metal parts & galvanizing, and hand notching all the hardwood, etc....
Henry is happily attending swim lessons every Tuesday, and playgroup on Wednesday. He also plays with Jack most days, and other friend's children at least once a week. He wants to be a big boy so bad! He sees the other kids running around having fun, and he wants to be in the action all the time. I feel bad for him sometimes, because when he plays with the other kids I have to constantly pull things away from him that he can't have, or remove him from the room if the other kids are getting to rough. He doesn't understand why everyone but him can do what they want. I caught him in jacks room a few weeks ago about to put a marble in his mouth...... Never trust a 5 year old to make sure babies don't put anything in their mouth...luckily I didn't trust him & peeked in constantly. Henry is a full on busy little boy. Almost nothing in the house is safe. He gets stuff off the coffee table, the bed, the linen cabinet, pulls his diapers out of their bag, laundry out of the basket, shoes out of my closet, hides his bottles under the couch... He has to be watched like a hawk. When he comes around the corner & is chewing on something it's usually not a good thing. I pull out bits of paper, diapers,little pieces of mud that got tracked in...you never know what you are going to find in there.
Henry is doing so well with his cruising. He walks along the couch and other objects really easily these days. He can switch from one object to another, like from the couch to the coffee table no problem. He is babbling nonsense all the time. It sounds like he's saying whole sentences, but just not in English. He says mama & dada, waves bye bye, has a hand signal & noise for his bottle. He still claps when you do & throws the ball really well. He is figuring lots of stuff out. He's very inquisitive, and in always on the move.
I'll put some pics up. Hope you enjoy them. We will try to keep posting more often. We have been a bit lazy these days.
Love you all!!
-Team Davidson.