Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Almost there!

Wow! Great to hear from all of you, glad you are following this! We will try to post more! We miss you all!

We are still in the boatyard, but we are working hard to get out of here. Kristen is reapholstering the boat and doing an amazing job! I think she may have found a new career. She is the envy of everyone in the yard
with her new sailrite
LZ-1. Unfortunately
it seems like everyone
needs to stop her and let her know that and ask
other fun questions like,
"How come you know how to sew?" Once again, people ore just so friendly here. I went into the store last night, and Kristen stayed outside with Skippy. She was laughing 3minutes later when I came out and said 4 or 5 people already were talking with her.
So, I have been doing Hardware thing and finishing the brightwork. We got our chainplates back from the machine shop, and I worked hard one day and got them all in and bedded with sealant. That was nice, because we basically had 6 gaping holes in the deck for a while. Everywhere I look, though, I am impressed with how the boat was built. the deck is solid fiberglass where all the chainplates go through the deck, so no worries on the old leaks... Some boats have exposed plywood in the holes...
I have spent many hours down in this cockpit locker... Not too glamorous, but many jobs like replacing
rotten hose that will keep the boat afloat!
I also rebuilt the manual bilge pump. It is a really cool dual action hand pump for when things go wrong... It will pump about 2400 Gallons per Hour if your arm will keep up.
We hope everyone is doing well back home, we are really sad that we will not be home for Thanksgiving this year. I will leave it to Lori to make sure Grandma doesn't work too hard.
Mom + Dad, glad your boat is coming along and have a great shakedown cruise!
Jess and Brian-How does the Bronco do in the snow? I looked at the used marine store for a cool brass coathanger, but was a day late...
Lori-We miss you!!!
Grandpa-Sounds like we may see you in Florida?
We can go for a sail! Or go to the Bahamas...
Buster-Skip dog says Hi! He hasn't met too many dogs here that he likes, and I can honestly say I think he likes you... Go get the trash!
Take care ya'all! Gotta get to work!
Here is a couple pics of where we are at.
The address is 1218 Lupton Dr in Oriental, NC
if anyone wants to Google Earth us. We are the second boat in from the water in the center row of boats.... just kidding

1 comment:

lori said...

Nice looking machine Kristen. So great you know how to sew!! Apparently you are hearing that a lot.Comming in really handy I can see. I like the color much better. Should brighten up the space.

Skippy looks good. Hopefully he will enjoy the sailing as much as you do. Hagen says hello Skippy you lucky dog for being so close to the water.

Ben you look great too. Keep that smile on. You are doing so well getting everything ready. Can't wait to hear how the first day out goes.

I am moving into my apartment on Saturday and I will put up a map soon so I can follow your progress.
Love you all.