Key West photos & pics of other stuff too:
Mallory Square: people line up all the way down the boardwalk every single night waiting for the tall ships to sail by & to watch the street performers do their thing at the nightly sunset festival. Pretty cool.

Everyone is asking for more pictures, so I'm going to put some on, but they are not all super recent. I hope you enjoy them.
Also, plans are changing as usual on Wind-Borne & a MAJOR decision has been made by the crew to send the big guy (Skippy) home to his aunt & uncle Doug & Janet while we cross the big blue. We have thought about it for months now & have come to the conclusion that although we will miss him every minute it isn't in Skippy's best interest to be crossing big oceans & going long periods without letting him go to shore. He just does so much better when he gets walks & has little creatures to chase.
Doug, Janet, & Rex have graciously offered to take him in & watch over him while we are away. They are a perfect home for him & We are sure that Skip will be thrilled to have some good front porch sitting time with his cousin Rex. We have already sent his things back to Washington & he will be boarding his flight with Delta on Friday morning at 7:20 AM. He is excited to see some cold weather.(and his extended family) He's been far too hot here despite being shaved.
As for the rest of the crew, we will continue on with the plan to travel from Key west & make our way south to Panama. If weather permits we will be on our way Saturday. Please keep in touch via e-mail, comments, and keeping an eye on our SPOT. You will always know where we are even when we can't talk to you. We will be able to get internet access again after leaving the Keys, but we aren't sure exactly when, so please be patient. It may take a week... or it may take a month... we just can't tell right now. Just check in occasionally.
We really miss you all & wish we could catch a flight home with Skippy to see everyone. He's a lucky dog! We will see you soon enough though! December is not that far away! Thanks again Doug, Janet, & Rex!!!
Enjoy the pictures everyone!
Dear Kristin and Ben,
Loved your photos!! Skippy, the "fish", blue water, sand. You guys are doing it!! Your trip plans are thrilling--the Panama Canal!I love, the spot, keep it up. I am going to have start checking more frequently, . And Ben, I am very, very impressed at the 50 inch mahi mahi. I think your photos are just so great, and your stories- Love from snowy Alaska, Mary
Hello Kristin and Ben,
Is's FUN to hear about your life and activities.. thank you for sharing! Your lives are an ongoing adventure. Darn, I missed your bake sales. I thought of you when I was picking some high mountain huckleberries a few weeks ago. Take it easy and watch out for that snow skiing in slippers. I'll see you sometime over the holidays. Love from uncle Jerry
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