Hey everyone,
We are getting ready for the holidays & really excited for Christmas! Henry's birthday was on Monday the 20
th!! He is officially one year old!!! I can't believe it! We had our friends the Jenkins' over for dinner & dessert. Henry got his very own cream puff to celebrate & actually ate the whole thing. He shoveled it in his mouth way faster than any of us imagined he would. Henry got a cool pair of aviator sunglasses, a book, and a train engine for his birthday!
The day before his birthday we went to the mall & Henry met Santa & had his picture taken. He did very well, but when the camera lady saw him coming she assumed that since he was a baby that he would cry & she tried to distract him the second he went on Santa's knee by blowing hundreds of high powered bubbles in his face....which just confused & bewildered the little man. He doesn't like bubbles in his face...who does? So, he just sat there with this crazy confused look on his face instead of smiling & we couldn't make him smile again. We have very funny pictures of Henry's 1st meeting with Santa now. At least he didn't cry!
We have done all our shopping, and I am making goodies for our friends here today, so it's feeling very close to Christmas around here! All the gifts are wrapped & Henry has figured out how to get around the little cabinets we put in front of the tree to block him from getting to it...He moves them.... I have no idea how since they are not light, are full, and do not have any wheels or anything on the bottom. He wants those little ornaments
sooooo bad! He's stronger than he looks.
We are sad to miss another Christmas with you all, but will enjoy seeing you next month when we come home!! Our flight officially leaves here on the 13
th of Jan. So, after another 24 hours of flying we should land in Seattle on the 13
th of Jan....so strange to loose a whole day like it never happened.
Team Davidson took a trip to
Daintree way up north of here last weekend for our last weekend with the car. We had so much fun! I will post pictures when I get a chance. We went on a crocodile river tour which was awesome & we saw a nice big salty about 3 people lengths away from us! Very nice. We also saw a wild
cassowary while driving & managed to pull over & get pictures & a video of it. These birds are extremely rare. They only live in the
rain forest in tropical north Queensland and our friends who live in the
rain forest have only seen one ever, so we were luck to get a glimpse of one. They are huge flightless birds about the size of an emu. Their feathers almost look like fur. They have a big black body & a red & blue head.
We also saw tons of other wildlife and had a great day driving around & exploring. We went to
Mossman gorge which is a beautiful spot in the forest with waterfalls & a small cold river. We all waded around in a shallow pool & cooled off. Henry was very adventurous in the water & waded out (with help) up to his chest, then held onto a boulder & wanted to be left alone to splash & sidestep along the rock. He is very independent right now. He wants to do things by himself a lot.
He is not easily scared & dives headfirst into everything...literally.
Well, Henry is up from his little nap, so I'm going to go get him. Hope everyone has a merry Christmas & we will add pictures soon!!
Miss you all!
xoxoxo Kristen, Ben, & Henry!