This is what they call chocolate chips here.....You basically have to learn a whole new language to grocery shop here.

Henry's first birthday!!!

So excited!

He was really full after he ate a whole cream puff by himself..and extremely happy.

This is a strange
Amazonian fruit that we got at a farmer's market called a

It looks really strange, but it's very good &
Henry's favorite fruit!

Little man loves to swim.

Henry insisted on not having any help in the water. He's a bit over confident in his abilities.

Henry & Ben at
mossman gorge
Boyds forest dragon, fairly rare. Ben ran right into it.

On the beach at

The water looks so inviting, but you can't go in it at all, because of how dangerous it is...salties & jellies.

Cassowary bird...extremely rare. We are so lucky we actually saw one. These are very dangerous birds as well.

Mr. Cassowary again. The colors on it's head were so cool. The knob on top is hard like bone.

Happy baby on the boat.

looking for
Here's one! This is a salt water

So much fun
croc spotting.

My friend the python. I had to get it off the chicken coop yet again...

This is how it has been looking weather wise here for a while.

We have been having floods all over Queensland & the rain is still coming. We can now say we have been in a monsoon.

Henry's sick spots on Christmas. The picture
isn't' really good, so you can only see the ones on his face, but they were all over his body. Yucky!

Henry got a new whistle for Christmas & he blows on it all the time. It makes him laugh every time it makes noise.

Henry likes to brush his hair

Then he brushes my hair...nice.

He had to inspect th
e new earrings Ben got me for Christmas. He is very

The latest progress on the new house.

notching by Ben

rafters. All hardwood

I like to call it stone henge. This huge concrete wall will have another one opposite it & they will have a floor between them to make a loft way up there.

Henry opening one present while reaching for another.

We all got flip flops for Christmas!

Christmas tree ornaments are one of Henry's favorite things.

Our lovely family on Christmas morning bright & early...the crowns are party hats that you get out of these popper things that Aussies open on Christmas & wear all day.
Alright, so I've covered a lot in these photos. I hope you all enjoy them. We are leaving the house tomorrow, and will be on our way south to see what we can see in Australia before flying home on the 13th .
Queensland is having monsoons & flooding, and several main highways & roads are closed due to flooding, so we will see how it goes trying to make it to Sydney then back to Brisbane where we fly out. We are tent camping...so I have to ask myself...what were we thinking when we got that bright idea?! I hope the tent doesn't float away while we are sleeping. :)
I'm sure we will have more ridiculous stories to share with you all soon, but be patient with us, because we will be having to go on wi fi hot spots to get Internet while traveling & I don't know if we will have access every day.
Can't wait to see you all soon!!! Wish us luck!!
1 comment:
Hi GUYS!!! WOW, it's Brian saying HI and wishing you a dry tent camping experience when checking out the rest of the country! Maybe the outback would be a safe, dry place to go!! : )
Sure enjoyed all your posts on your blog and was fun to follow all your adventures with you!
It will be sooooo good to see you all in less than 2 weeks. It's New Years Eve here and only ZERO degrees, that's right, 0deg F out!! Hope you are ready for a change in the weather! haha
See ya soon, Tammy says HI! and Jess is sitting next to me trying to stay awake 'cause it's waaaaay past her bedtime!!! LOL
Take care and see you soon.
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