Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Baby Alice is here!!
Alice Elizabeth, Henry's new cousin
Henry and his adorable toes
Tiny couch potato ready for movie time.
girl Alice Elizabeth this morning! She was 8lbs 7oz & 20 inches long. She is beautiful!
mom, Ben, Henry & I drove over to see her a little after 8. Serina looked great, although understandably tired. Tyler looked a bit worn out as well. I think he had envisioned it going a little differently on his part. He ended up being a bit more involved in the action than he expected to be. Luckily her delivery was speedy! Two hours after arriving at the hospital out came Alice! Hope you enjoy the pics!
Oh, yeah, and I died my hair (Ben picked the color) a really, really dark brown just to see what it would look like, since I've been blonde my entire life. We like it, but I still feel funny not being blonde. It just doesn't seem like my hair. I think I'll keep it this way for a while though.
Hope everyone is well. Not many comments recently. Let us know you are checking in. We will be trying to keep you all as updated on the little guy as possible on here.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hey ya'll!
Team Davidson had a fairly busy weekend. We went to the big city for the Seattle boat show, but had a hard time staying indoors long, because it was such a gorgeous day. We ended up going to Gas works park & watched sail boats race around & people fly kites. It would have been a perfect day to sail! We went to Freemont after that & had ice cream (which Henry was pretty jealous of I think) he stared at us the entire time we ate it.
We have a fun update on Henry. He is officially rolling over from front to back on purpose now!! He did it 3 times in a row yesterday & now that he knows he can do it he's really into it. Very cute! The picture at the top is actually him getting ready to roll again. We love seeing him figure new stuff out everyday! He's so active!!!!
Also, he may be getting a new cousin today..or very soon!! Serina is having early labor contractions finally! Little baby Alice will be joining us any time now! We could not be happier about it!
We will keep you informed!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Big little boy
Just a quick update & a few new pictures..
Henry had a check up with Doctor Walters this week & he is a perfectly healthy boy! He weighed in at nearly 16 lbs!!!!! He is 25 inches long & his head i s 16 inches around now. He is WAY off the charts for size, but it's ok, because his height & weight are in proportion, so it's healthy, but he's just huge! He is outgrowing his 3 month old clothes & is not quite yet 2 months. he is really strong & talks a lot! (no real words obviously, but he's trying already.) his legs are ready to run, but his arms haven't caught up yet. When he figures out how to work his arms he will be ready to crawl. He still doesn't seem to realize that those little arms belong to him yet though, so we've got a while.
Ben & I got a 4 hour break from Henry on Valentine's day last weekend! We went to see Avatar & ate dinner out. So much fun! We didn't have to worry about The little man, because he was in good hands with his three Valentine's dates. My mom Lori, cousin Jessica & her roommate Bree. He also had his first meeting with Jessica's big goofy horse Toy. Toy is an unusual horse to put it mildly. He is more like a dog actually... He likes to play tag & loves to hold things in his mouth. If you have buttons on your clothes he wants to hold them in his lips...he won't rip them off..just holds them. He also likes to kiss & lick people. Anyway, he took quite an interest in Henry. Henry seemed to like him quite a bit too. He was smiling & kept sticking his little fingers out to touch toy. Ben was doing his best to keep Toy's lips separated from Henry, but it was difficult.
Spencer came over for a little while last night which was awesome & earlier this week John & Laurie & Buster stayed a night on their way down to see the redwoods. I am a bit jealous! I love the redwoods! Having them over was really nice! Henry loved seeing his grandparents & Uncle Spencer again. If anyone else wants to visit feel free! We'd love to see you!
I've got dinner to make,so I'm gonna quit writing, but we will update again soon.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Henry's photo shoot
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
henry 6 weeks
Hey everyone,
Henry is officially 6 weeks old now. He's grown up a lot in the last few weeks & gained a ton of weight. We don't really know how much, but will soon after he goes to his next check up. We have tried time & time again to post pictures on the blog, but our internet connection is so slow recently that we can't. I managed to get this one on today, but it won't let me add more..... not sure why. lame!
Henry is a happy baby & very strong! He can balance for a second standing up with daddy's help & can hold himself up on his forearms when on his tummy for a few seconds and look around all by himself. He kicks & squirms a lot when awake & even flails in his sleep. He is starting to "talk" a bunch (just vowel sounds & cute little squeaks.) He just started to smile really big too & does it all the time.
He has recently met lots of family members & friends. He got to see his james side ( Mary, Chris, Emily, James, Martha, & Spencer) his aunt Cy, Doug, Janet, and Duke, Dana, Kevin, Kelly, and April, and many more. He's loving the attention & can't wait to see you all again. He's still waiting to see all his out of state relatives.
Henry had a photo shoot with our friend Danielle who is a great photographer a few weeks ago & the pictures came out great!! We love them!! Danielle, Courtney, Alllison, and Megan came over for the shoot & we had tons of fun & got some amazing shots of the little guy! I wish I could download them!!! We will keep trying! If you want to see a sample go to We have tons more, so I hope to show them to you soon.
After I post this I will see if I can get more on. The picture above is from a few days ago. Ben was messing around with him on the couch holding him up on his lap & realized that Henry was actually locking his legs and attempting to hold his own weight, so he slowly let go with one hand & sure enough, he was really holding his own weight. He can only hold it for a second before those little legs give out, but it's a great start! We were thrilled! Henry did it several times & seemed to really enjoy the challenge. He was also holding himself up off Ben's chest while on his tummy for fairly long periods of time the same night. Crazy!
As for the two of us, we are good. Not getting much sleep, but have taken a lesson from our time on the boat & started to take night watch shifts. I take him from the time Ben goes to bed at night until 3 or 4 am & them Ben gets him from then until 7 or 8 am so we each get a solid block of sleep instead of us both waking up randomly throughout the night. We find that we are less grumpy in the morning with this routine.(even though I often only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night & Ben only gets about 5 or 6) I have him all day while Ben the breadwinner works & then Ben takes him when he gets home so I can cook dinner & get some house cleaning and alone time
This schedule seems to be keeping us sane & happy. It's nice that we had all that experience with similar schedules on the boat to get us ready.
We are having a great (although tired) time with Henry! He's an awesome new addition to team Davidson & we are loving watching him grow up a tiny bit every week. We can't wait until he starts sleeping regularly. I love that he is so easy to care for right now though. He only needs to bed fed, changed, and loved. No crawling, solid foods, or any other complications to worry about just yet.
We will try to keep you better posted.
Thanks for checking in!
xoxox Kristen
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