Just a quick update & a few new pictures..
Henry had a check up with Doctor Walters this week & he is a perfectly healthy boy! He weighed in at nearly 16 lbs!!!!! He is 25 inches long & his head i s 16 inches around now. He is WAY off the charts for size, but it's ok, because his height & weight are in proportion, so it's healthy, but he's just huge! He is outgrowing his 3 month old clothes & is not quite yet 2 months. he is really strong & talks a lot! (no real words obviously, but he's trying already.) his legs are ready to run, but his arms haven't caught up yet. When he figures out how to work his arms he will be ready to crawl. He still doesn't seem to realize that those little arms belong to him yet though, so we've got a while.
Ben & I got a 4 hour break from Henry on Valentine's day last weekend! We went to see Avatar & ate dinner out. So much fun! We didn't have to worry about The little man, because he was in good hands with his three Valentine's dates. My mom Lori, cousin Jessica & her roommate Bree. He also had his first meeting with Jessica's big goofy horse Toy. Toy is an unusual horse to put it mildly. He is more like a dog actually... He likes to play tag & loves to hold things in his mouth. If you have buttons on your clothes he wants to hold them in his lips...he won't rip them off..just holds them. He also likes to kiss & lick people. Anyway, he took quite an interest in Henry. Henry seemed to like him quite a bit too. He was smiling & kept sticking his little fingers out to touch toy. Ben was doing his best to keep Toy's lips separated from Henry, but it was difficult.
Spencer came over for a little while last night which was awesome & earlier this week John & Laurie & Buster stayed a night on their way down to see the redwoods. I am a bit jealous! I love the redwoods! Having them over was really nice! Henry loved seeing his grandparents & Uncle Spencer again. If anyone else wants to visit feel free! We'd love to see you!
I've got dinner to make,so I'm gonna quit writing, but we will update again soon.
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