So, it has become apparent to us that our little man is WAY stronger than we were giving him credit for. He is extremely active…we knew that, but today he lifted a 15 lb bag up with one hand all by himself & held it while Ben picked him up & carried him across the room with no problem before finally releasing his grip on it. He has a grip better than mine!
Trying to hold his arms down while attempting to get him to take a nap is like snuggling with an angry crab. He pinches anything he can get a hold of (i.e. skin, hair, etc..)& refuses to let go….many bruises and cuts on mommy & daddy have resulted. He has also decided all of a sudden that if he doesn’t feed himself no one can… which would be fine if he actually got the bottle IN his mouth & could tip it up enough to get the milk out. Instead, he gets milk all over his face & when he finally does manage to get it in his mouth he sucks on the empty nipple. When you try to tip it up with him, out the bottle flies & it starts all over. As a result, we have taken to swaddling him about half the time just to get him to eat without a huge fuss. He is too hard to wrangle without the swaddle. He’s just too strong. We have taken to triple wrapping him for bed time, because he is so good at wiggling out of a swaddle within seconds, that it’s the only way. It’s pretty funny actually. We call him Houdini.
He makes us laugh & sigh in exasperation all day long. He can’t sit still for a second. He wiggles and laughs in his sleep. It’s really cute.
He no longer sits still for a diaper change. You put him down & start to take his pants off & he’s already half way rolled over on his belly. You roll him back, he rolls the other way, you get the pants off, he’s on his belly, you pull the diaper off, he’s chewing on his feet & you can’t get a new one on, because you can’t release the grip he has on his toes. Finally you get it all put back together & just try to put those pants back on….All the while he’s giggling & laughing frantically mocking you the whole way. So, all you can do is laugh yourself.
Just a few minutes ago, he showed us that he can go from lying flat on his back to sitting up straight by himself if Ben holds his feet. He’s still as happy as ever luckily. The neighbors call him smiley Henry & everyone loves to see him, because they are pretty much guaranteed to get a smile or giggle out of him.
He’s very strong willed….wonder where he got that from. Once he sets his mind on something he’s pretty persistent & usually succeeds in getting what it is he’s going for. He swims in circles on the floor & gets those tough little thighs under his butt now & can scoot slowly across the floor. Baby gates coming soon!!! He has outgrown his car seat, and is at the maximum size for his new “exersaucer” he no longer fits in his little lamb chair & is too heavy for his swing. He is around 23 lbs & about 29 inches long. He just gets bigger & stronger every day!! Oh, he also got his two bottom teeth. Yay! Our own little pirannah!
Ok, so that’s the update on super baby.
Thanks for checking in.
Trying to hold his arms down while attempting to get him to take a nap is like snuggling with an angry crab. He pinches anything he can get a hold of (i.e. skin, hair, etc..)& refuses to let go….many bruises and cuts on mommy & daddy have resulted. He has also decided all of a sudden that if he doesn’t feed himself no one can… which would be fine if he actually got the bottle IN his mouth & could tip it up enough to get the milk out. Instead, he gets milk all over his face & when he finally does manage to get it in his mouth he sucks on the empty nipple. When you try to tip it up with him, out the bottle flies & it starts all over. As a result, we have taken to swaddling him about half the time just to get him to eat without a huge fuss. He is too hard to wrangle without the swaddle. He’s just too strong. We have taken to triple wrapping him for bed time, because he is so good at wiggling out of a swaddle within seconds, that it’s the only way. It’s pretty funny actually. We call him Houdini.
He makes us laugh & sigh in exasperation all day long. He can’t sit still for a second. He wiggles and laughs in his sleep. It’s really cute.
He no longer sits still for a diaper change. You put him down & start to take his pants off & he’s already half way rolled over on his belly. You roll him back, he rolls the other way, you get the pants off, he’s on his belly, you pull the diaper off, he’s chewing on his feet & you can’t get a new one on, because you can’t release the grip he has on his toes. Finally you get it all put back together & just try to put those pants back on….All the while he’s giggling & laughing frantically mocking you the whole way. So, all you can do is laugh yourself.
Just a few minutes ago, he showed us that he can go from lying flat on his back to sitting up straight by himself if Ben holds his feet. He’s still as happy as ever luckily. The neighbors call him smiley Henry & everyone loves to see him, because they are pretty much guaranteed to get a smile or giggle out of him.
He’s very strong willed….wonder where he got that from. Once he sets his mind on something he’s pretty persistent & usually succeeds in getting what it is he’s going for. He swims in circles on the floor & gets those tough little thighs under his butt now & can scoot slowly across the floor. Baby gates coming soon!!! He has outgrown his car seat, and is at the maximum size for his new “exersaucer” he no longer fits in his little lamb chair & is too heavy for his swing. He is around 23 lbs & about 29 inches long. He just gets bigger & stronger every day!! Oh, he also got his two bottom teeth. Yay! Our own little pirannah!
Ok, so that’s the update on super baby.
Thanks for checking in.
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