Ok, so a quick update on the last week or so's events:
Ben & Hamish got a little shelter set up at the property for protection against the rain. They also have the foundation in. I have included some pictures.
Henry & I have been very busy. Henry has been to the pools in both Kuranda & Cairns several times, he had his first official swim lesson on Friday which went really well. He learned to blow bubbles in the water & float & kick. We had a ton of fun. There is a kids park in Cairns that has water features Henry can play in and we go there often too. He is becoming a real water baby. Hamish, Ben, Henry, & I sailed the Jenkin's boat "Free @ Last" out to the Great Barrier Reef on Thursday & had a nice snorkel. I'd never seen blue coral before, so that was an cool new thing for me.
We threw some steak on the Barbie at Naomi & Rob's house on Friday night & that was awesome. We had tons of fun & Henry got to play in their pool with their little girls & Jack, so he loved it.I have been introducing everyone here to the pumpkin pie of all things. Everyone in Australia eats tons of pumpkin, but no one has ever eaten a pumpkin pie. in fact, only one person I've asked has ever heard of it. I've been asked to make 3 so far. We brought one to tea at Deb & Andrew's house, then got a request to bring one to dinner at Mic & Kim's house, then were asked to bring one to Naomi & Rob's BBQ, so I'm turning into the pumpkin pie lady. Everyone has loved it so far & word is spreading. As you can see, we have quite the social life.
We came home to some more wildlife the other day & were quite shocked by what we came across. In the middle of the living room was a giant centipede! Creepy!!! They bite & according to our bug book it will hurt for days, so we whacked it several times with a frying pan & flattened it pretty well, then after disposing of it I came back to the house to find Ben taking pictures of the doormat... Turns out there was a scorpion on it!!!! Nature won't leave us alone! How are we not supposed to touch it when it seems intent on cuddling up in our house with us?! We have also in the last few days come across a night tiger, (brown tree snake) living in the ceiling above our bed. I included a picture of it's skin that it shed. It is not really harmful, but will bite & it will hurt, so we stay clear. We killed 2 more huntsmen spiders in the last 24 hours in the living room. Nasty!!!!! I also shooed a baby goanna out of my kitchen last night only to find that it has returned today & lodged itself behind my oven.... Can't seem to get it out. Oh well. At this point I'm giving up on that one. It will pop out when it's ready.
I think that's about it for now, I'll give you a quick update on Henry before I sign off though:
New skills: Clapping, waving bye bye, and throwing the ball to you. All very cute!!!
Also: Henry can pull up on furniture & stand alone. The coffee table is no longer a safe place to put anything. He tries to just get up & stand in the middle of the room, but isn't ready, so he just falls over. It's a valiant effort though. Henry & Jack play a lot. They have a good time together. In case I forgot to mention it, He has 8 teeth now! We actually think he may be working on more too. He's coming along & has even more personality now...he already had tons before. He's sooooo busy all the time! He's loads of fun.
Ok, enjoy the pics, love you all!
xoxoxoxo Team Davidson.
1 comment:
Wow, just think, when you come back to the states spiders will never haunt you again. You are so brave, I wish I could come visit you, renaming you guys the swiss family Robinson's! I would never put a live snake on my arm. Is is really humid too? What are you planting in your garden?
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