Santa Was Here!!
We had an amazing weekend!! I just had to write & tell you all about it!! On Saturday we took Wind-Borne out & set sail (er..motor) for Friday Harbor. It was a drizzly gray afternoon & there was no wind, so we had a nice, uneventful, & freezing motor over without our dodger, so Ben at the helm was totally out in the elements. I got a seriously wind burnt face from the cold & Ben's hands were frozen solid when we reached Friday Harbor, but by the time we arrived it was sunny & beautiful!!! We warmed up quickly & set off into town with John & Laurie who motored across in their boat the Laurie Ann with us. (They have a pilot house that made us seriously jealous & arrived warm & comfy) We all bought Christmas lights in town and decorated our boats with them. Ben pulled lights up our mast, and I put them all around the lifelines, so Wind-Borne looks awesome at night!! We have green lights & Laurie Ann has red ones. We look pretty cool moored next to each other in Blakely Marina.
After an awesome night out on the town we set sail..or motor... again Sunday morning and got back to Blakely in plenty of time for a quick nap for Ben & Henry & a shower for me, then we got down to the marina for Santa's boat!!!!
Santa sailed in on a HUGE whale watching boat blaring "Santa Clause is coming to Town" with Santa & Mrs. Clause out on the bow waving & yelling HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Henry was the only child on island at this point, so he got all Santa's attention!! We stood with Santa & Mrs. Clause on the dock while all the 30 or so other member's of Santa's team got off the boat. There were elves, Pirates, clowns, and old fashioned carolers!!! Each one said hello to Henry and a pirate gave him his balloon sword! The carolers sang and the clowns started making balloon animals, swords, and other things.
Blakely Island made food potluck style for Santa's ship, so after they were all done eating Santa sat down & everyone including all the adults & the two other children that showed up sat on Santa's lap and got presents!! Santa & Mrs. Clause were so patient and sweet. They saw Henry several times and even got him to laugh more than once. They weren't the usual mall Santa crowd. They really cared about making the kids & everyone for that matter feel special. Clowns were making things & Pirates were sword fighting the kids with Balloon swords. An elf was handing out beautiful hand knit hats, and Henry got a super adorable hand carved wooden horse toy with wheels. A super nice man gave Henry a stuffed Parrot!! He Loves it!! He loves all his new toys actually!!
We were so impressed with the generosity and kindness of everyone on board the Santa boat! The toys and gifts Henry received were so special, because the majority of them were handmade! Someone spent a lot of time and effort making these toys for children they don't know just to see them smile. It's really sweet. We plan on making this a Christmas tradition every year!! The Lions club of Bellingham put this whole thing together & I hope they know how much we all really appreciate it!! Henry got up this morning and insisted we all put our Santa hats on & go see the Santa Boat!! It was really hard to explain to him that Santa only comes once a year & we couldn't see Santa again today. He got pretty upset. He really wants Santa Boat to come back!!
I hung the singing puppy stocking Henry got by the fire and tucked all his new gifts inside to re-open on Christmas. There is a generous amount of taffy & snacks in the bottom with a stuffed dog, parrot, wooden horse, new knit hat, and fun beaded necklaces on top!!
Thank you again to the wonderful people over at the Lions club who brought Santa and his friends over to our little island!!
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