Monday, January 14, 2013

Skiing with uncle Scott!!

Hi again!

Thought I'd share a few more pictures with you while I'm downloading them from my phone. 
Here Henry is on his new "fast" skis trying them out for the first time. I'm running along/snowboarding  taking photos and throwing out words of encouragement while Ben is hands on picking Henry up when he falls, giving instructions, and trying to teach him to turn/snowplow, and just being a general comfort to Henry by running along side offering a hand just in case he needs it. 

 Henry loves the new skis and really did go quite a bit faster. With real ski boots he was also able to keep his ankles straighter and get a bit more balance. 
 As I mentioned in the lengthy post below, Scott happened to be on the mountain the same day and took Henry for a few real ski runs.
 I helped him off and on the lit and ran down the mountain like a fool taking pictures while Scott did all the rest. He really got Henry into it. We are in trouble now. Running alongside may no longer be acceptable to him. 
 Henry loves uncle Scott! We were so excited to see him on the hill. 
This was definitely Henry's favorite time skiing so far!!

 Here is the temp today just in case anyone is wondering. 
yes, that is a negative 11 degrees you are seeing. BRRRR. 
The plan was to take Henry up again today for a half day, but it's sooo cold, and Henry has actually caught a slight sniffly nose & cough, so I'm keeping him in and feeding him lots of chicken soup & trying to keep it from becoming a full blown winter snot fest kind of cold. 
I'm pretty sure I'm on my way to catching whatever it is myself, because I was holding him early this morning (around 3am) when he called me in, and he coughed straight up my nose..yuck! He coughed in my face a bunch more this morning when he woke up, so wish us all luck. Lots of vitamins and resting for team Davidson today.... well, except Ben who has to work. (although I wouldn't be surprised if he took a half day since they are ahead of schedule anyway)
His van was actually so cold this morning that even after warming it up the antifreeze was frozen causing the van to overheat etc... BRRR! so cold here, but so pretty with all the snow! 
I'm sure we will try to keep you all updated while we are in Bozeman. Hope everyone is having a winter as fun as we are! 

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