Nap time

So much effort to go diving in cold water!!! There is an insane amount of gear involved. Ben & John took forever to get ready just for freezing cold diving with almost no visibility & no fish.
Brrr!! diving with snow on the mountains. Water surface temp 46 degrees.

Happy baby!

Here are a few pics from the latest adventure! We went to Blakely Island to see the parents/grandparents last weekend. Ben went with the plan to dive with his dad since they both recently got outfitted with new cold water gear. They tried a beach dive first to make sure everything worked well, then we all went out on the comet to a few rocky areas nearby. First dive from beach had way too much current & they could barely fight their way around. First dive from the boat had about 5-7 foot visibility & the only life seen were starfish & a sea cucumber....second boat dive had 10 foot vis and still no fish, but an interesting slug thingy & rock crabs... Hmmm...apparently we did not go to the right areas... It was a lot of time & effort for such a lame reward in the end. They will try again, but I think if it sucks just as bad Ben will give up & go back to tropical dives.
So much effort to go diving in cold water!!! There is an insane amount of gear involved. Ben & John took forever to get ready just for freezing cold diving with almost no visibility & no fish.
Brrr!! diving with snow on the mountains. Water surface temp 46 degrees.
Happy baby!
Here are a few pics from the latest adventure! We went to Blakely Island to see the parents/grandparents last weekend. Ben went with the plan to dive with his dad since they both recently got outfitted with new cold water gear. They tried a beach dive first to make sure everything worked well, then we all went out on the comet to a few rocky areas nearby. First dive from beach had way too much current & they could barely fight their way around. First dive from the boat had about 5-7 foot visibility & the only life seen were starfish & a sea cucumber....second boat dive had 10 foot vis and still no fish, but an interesting slug thingy & rock crabs... Hmmm...apparently we did not go to the right areas... It was a lot of time & effort for such a lame reward in the end. They will try again, but I think if it sucks just as bad Ben will give up & go back to tropical dives.
Anyway, Blakely was awesome & the weather was really nice. On the way home we stopped in Issaquah to get a few things for Henry. We got him a bouncy door jumper although he is technically too young for it. He is huge & wants to be bounced 24/7, so this gives our arms a break. He loves it!!! We also got him a mobile & as you can see in the picture above he loves that too. He is starting to want to be entertained all the time now. He is so busy & active & just can't sit still for a second. he is constantly kicking & throwing his arms around even in his sleep. He's almost always happy, which is nice, but he almost never sleeps. He loves to take 10 minute naps. The other day he actually went 11 hours without any sleep... & you just can't make him sleep! Even if you just leave him in his crib alone with nothing to look at he will flail & giggle the whole time & eventually get mad at you. So, until he decides to sleep someday we will just have to try & keep up with him.
Henry also uses his hands a lot more now, thats his newest thing. We could never get him to grab anything but fingers & unfortunatley my hair before a week ago, but now he grabs evrything! He holds his blankets & toys & reaches for his bottle a lot. It's really fun watching him change so much so quickly!
Hope you all enjoy the newest pictures!
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