Sundays have become our favorite days by far! It's the only day of the week that Ben doesn't work, so I get to sleep in & Ben gets a nice long nap mid day. It's funny how used to a schedule you can get. I'm definitely getting better with the night shift that I have with Henry & Ben is so good at getting up anywhere between 2:30 & 4:00 am to take him after me. I don't find it as hard to get up at 7:00am as I used to either, but when Sunday rolls around... I get to stay in Bed until 9:00 am & sometimes a little later if I'm really lucky & I love it!!
Henry is slowly adjusting his schedule recently. He will sleep 2 1/2 hours at a time on rare occasion & more increasingly over 1 1/2!!!! This is a miracle, since for the most part of his life so far he has refused to sleep for more than one hour at a time & only took 10 minute naps (which he still does) during the day....leaving no time for me to nap with him. Thus, I was only receiving 3-4 hours of sleep nightly & feeling less than perky. It didn't help that our little munchkin has a need to bounce nearly every second of his awake time in order to stay happy. It's difficult to have the energy for that on no sleep. Somehow we managed, and now the hard work is starting to pay off. Henry is starting to sleep in his crib, which means we each get to go to bed in...of all things...our BED instead of on the couch & on occasion get to snooze more than an hour at a time. Things are looking up!!
On another note, Grandma Betty's birthday was on Friday & The family got together at her house to celebrate on Saturday! Happy birthday grandma!!! It was so nice to see everyone again!! Henry loves going to his great grandparents house! So do we!
We tried to measure Henry again today & with all the wiggling we got a few measurements, but ended up with somewhere around 26 inches, so he has grown one inch since 3 weeks ago. He has been averaging 2 inches per month, but it looks like he may finally be slowing down, although he is growing out of his 3 month clothes quickly. He's in a lot of his 6 month stuff already. We do not have a weight, but are guessing somewhere between 18 & 20 lbs! Big boy. I'm getting a really strong left arm from carrying him around all day. We don't get him officially weighed at the doctors until he is 4 months old & I can't wait!
I'm currently finishing the sock for our spinnaker & it's HUGE! I keep finding these ridiculously large sewing projects to do. The sock is just a foot shorter than the sail.. I can't remember how long it is exactly off the top of my head, but it's nearly a thousand square foot sail, so it's really long! Lots of material to sort through & wrangle. It's taking up the dining room at the moment. I'm also preparing to sew the sails for Doug's sailboat!! Finally!! I'm so excited & honored that I get the job. We are in the material ordering & design process currently & I'm hoping to finish the sails before we get too far into summer. Wish me luck!! This is a beautiful boat & it deserves beautiful sails. I hope I can do it justice.
Also, we are headed to North Carolina before the end of March to move the boat onto the hard. We will pull Wind-Borne out of the water & get her all covered up & squared away before leaving the country at the end of summer for Australia. We will be making the usual trek across the country by car so that we can visit family & friends along the way...should be interesting with a baby who hates his car seat...hmmm. We may be leaving next weekend depending on Ben's work situation etc... Of course we will keep you informed.
Ok, gotta go. Have a good week everyone!!
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