Just passed through Nashville Tennessee! We should make it to The North Carolina coast today if everything goes OK. We drove pretty hard for two days to get here. We drove south from S. Dakota into Nebraska... We noticed that people really keep their yards nice in Nebraska! Even the trailers. Then we headed east to Lincoln on I 80, then cut away into Missouri. They have mile markers every .2 miles... seems like an awful waste of signs, but then we figured that we were right next to the federal pen in Leavenworth, Kansas and they probably made road signs instead of lisence plates. We went down through Kansas City(actually right around), then across Missouri to Saint Louis. Missouri seemed pretty nice, and was lots different than I expected as far as the landscape. It was pretty hilly with cobblestone cliffs here and there. It was nice. We took a picture of the arch in Saint Louie, and then into Illinois. Lots of strip clubs right across the river. We dipped through Illinois and into Kentucky. Kentucky seemed nice... Then into Tennessee! People seem pretty nice here. Lots of maam's for Kristen. I think she is getting used to it. Lots of trees! Suburban seems to be doing OK after our trouble in Montana. It leaks tranny fluid though, so we have to keep an eye on that. All this is just going to make it easier to part with it when we are ready to. Pretty nice vehicle though! I can't say enough about the comfort of the seats-I think both my trucks I have been driving have been pretty uncomfortable... Anyways---I can not wait to look at some boats!!!
Oh, did I mention that Skippy really likes Air Conditioning!!! I could see his breath at one point!
Thanks for checking out our blog!
Kristen does not snore....right? I noticed her mouth was open.:)
You certainly have seen a lot in a very short time. The yes mamm's are a lot of fun and the ya all's.
Good luck with the boat hunt and thanks for the up-date.
Love Lori
Kristen always looks best when she's sleeping! ha ha. Hope you guys have a safe trip. Don't worry, I'll clean all the mud off the Bronco. Love, Jess
Y'all having fun it looks like! My earlier posts didn't post, so my wit got wasted in cyberspace btw Eburg and NC somewhere.
So the Burb's doing great as a motel on wheels?!! Cool. Great to hear the only real issue was the fuel pump...besides, those are great pics of the blonde snoozing along I90. lol
Fun write-up on the trip so far. Keep us all posted on the boat search.
Watch out for gators!!!
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