Kristen Here,
Thanks for all the comments! Unfortunately I don't have any super cool pictures of Ben sleeping to post.
We went through sooo many states! Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska (that one wins the award for most boring state ever!!)Missouri, Kansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, then finally N. Carolina! I do not have any desire to take another road trip for a very long time!I put some pictures on from the drive.
Camping has been pretty cool here! There's only one place to do it in the area, so we drive about an hour to get to where we want to be, but not bad. It's off season for camping, so we have our choice of spots. We got a hotel the other night though because it rained 2+ inches & wind was reportedly 60mph. (...there's probably a reason no one else is camping...)They have bugs the size of Texas here!! It's like being in a rain forest!! It's not what I was expecting at all, but really pretty. It's been raining/sprinkling everyday on & off, otherwise really sunny & nice, but super humid. Skippy loves his A.C.
Oh, did I mention the towns here are under water? I took some pictures. Pretty nuts! They have all these roads you have to avoid because they are under 2 feet of salt water! Check out the paddle shop! At least you can paddle your way out if you get flooded in there! The coffee shop next door was not so lucky!
So, about our boat mission... We came to N.Carolina, because we wanted a Morgan 38. Funny thing is, we got here & I hated them & Ben was extremely disappointed by them as well....luckily, our broker talked us into seeing a Bayfield 36 n the same dock & we fell in love with it! I have no idea why we never considered them as an option before..in fact I had never heard of them, but it turns out this one is exactly what we were looking for. Two staterooms, separate shower (with tub) good galley, all the electronic equipment Ben wanted, solar panels, wind generator, wind vane, good sails...the list goes on...
We thought about it for a day & went on about 5 more boats, then made an offer!!!! I really hope it surveys well!! I'm so excited!!
We will keep y'all posted! We should have some more info in a few days!
Keep sending comments our way! We miss you guys!!
Hey, You have landed! Looks a little wet there.
So good that they have found you another boat more to your liking. Lets hope the survey goes well and they accept your offer. I am sure It would be a great relief to get the boat and get settled in.
Let us know what happens and send a picture.
Love mom
Wow, I know you said it was stormy back there but the pictures really tell the story! We are hoping that your offer is accepted and the surveyor finds no major problems. The boat is beautiful, it looks very cozy yet very roomy. It also looks very well equipped and I love the galley! We'll keep our fingers crossed for you.
I'm starting to get a pile of mail for you, let me know when you want me to send it on and an address.
Keep up the blog, it's great!!
Love and kisses from WA... LD & JD
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