Here we are about 250 miles into Montana. Our new tank of a suburban decided to stop running. Something electrical I think, so we are waiting for a tow truck. We spent our first night in a truck stop in Rocker, MT. The seats are comfy, though Skippy has it best. We have two layers of memory foam set up for him as a couch in the back... much different than any other road trip we have been on. I think he likes the Suburban.
We are on the road! We are both really excited! So much more work than we thought getting all our worldly possessions situated in various locations. Lots of people are helping us out on this trip storing vehicles and tools and sending mail. We put almost all of our stuff in a 12x12foot storage unit in S. Cle Elum. If we had one more box, I don't know where it would have gone, we were literally pushing things inside as we were closing the door to get it closed. Funny how hard it is to part with stuff. We brought my tools and trailer to Doug's and got to see all three Rock brothers on the way out of town. Sounds like Steve might just be checking out flights already for when we get down there! We have got our mail forwarded to Blakely Island where my Mother will filter out junk mail and send packages when we are in a location where we can receive it... Thanks Mom! The Bronco is being looked after by Jessica over at Brians place in Ellensburg! Thanks guys. And we are currently being stored in our 92 Suburban on the side of the Freeway!
At least Skippy is happy. And Kristen is catching some zzzzzz's.
We are on the road! We are both really excited! So much more work than we thought getting all our worldly possessions situated in various locations. Lots of people are helping us out on this trip storing vehicles and tools and sending mail. We put almost all of our stuff in a 12x12foot storage unit in S. Cle Elum. If we had one more box, I don't know where it would have gone, we were literally pushing things inside as we were closing the door to get it closed. Funny how hard it is to part with stuff. We brought my tools and trailer to Doug's and got to see all three Rock brothers on the way out of town. Sounds like Steve might just be checking out flights already for when we get down there! We have got our mail forwarded to Blakely Island where my Mother will filter out junk mail and send packages when we are in a location where we can receive it... Thanks Mom! The Bronco is being looked after by Jessica over at Brians place in Ellensburg! Thanks guys. And we are currently being stored in our 92 Suburban on the side of the Freeway!
At least Skippy is happy. And Kristen is catching some zzzzzz's.
Hello...So sorry about the vehicle break down. How is that going? So...Skippy sounds happy at least.
I hope the rest of your trip goes well and write when you get back on the road.
Bye for now. Miss you already.
Hey, kids! I'm glad SkipDog has his memory foam in the backseat :-)) Also happy to hear that you got the tank's fuel pump fixed and your back on the road again. Did you see Tyson on your way thru Bozeman? Also glad to hear (from Scott) that Kristen found room for the Bundt pan, some things are just more important than others. Thanks for the phone messages, please keep them coming either to Blakely or cell phones, we disconnected Renton home phone. Things here are quiet in some ways and chaotic in others, Ken closed up early and left the island, no one to tend the marina except us volunteers; we have been collecting moorage, filling the ice machine and cleaning bathrooms. Fun. We took the sailboat out on a motoring test run yesterday around Shaw, everything ran well. The refrigeration is working well but still some problems with the propane system. We're back to Renton tomorrow for two nights and then back to Blakely. I'll keep track of your mail and forward it on when I hear from you where to send it. Have fun, travel safe and give Skippy a big snuggle from his grama. Keep in touch!! Love from Ma and Pa
Great to hear you are on your way! You guys are making good progress. Can't wait to see what baots you look at! Give Skip dog a big wook from Rex.
Doug Janet & Rex
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