We have been charging down the East Coast at 6 miles an hour! We made it through S. Carolina and Georgia. We stayed on the ICW and have been trying for 50 miles a day with 63 being our record. We are in Vero Beach right now. Though I don't think that qualifies as Southern Florida, it is close enough.
Observations in Florida so far...
1-Floridians like large houses!
2-Floridians are not scared to build large houses in the buggiest areas. They are resourceful and build a whole house of netting over their house...
3- There is lots of shallow water in Florida... We couldn't get in to our anchorage because it was too shallow, and we had to motor 19 more miles to get to another spot that had 7-8 feet of depth.
4- ballerina pink can go with pastel green....and canary yellow, and turquoise on everything from homes to bridges..... If you are in to that.

5-Florida likes bridges! some they build, then tear down to build another. In St. Augustine, they had a bridge, then built a "temporary" bridge next to it so they could repair the old bridge, then they were going to tear down the temporary... And these were big bridges!!! With a lift so boats could go through.
6-Floridians like HORSEPOWER! But don't we all?
7 It is not always warm in Florida. Our first day in Florida it was about 33 degrees and blowing 25 knots. Just about the coldest day yet! There I am enjoying the Florida weather in five layers of thermal and an arctic hat.
8- It doesn't stay cold for long in Florida! It popped right back to 70 the next day! (as you can see at the top where I am in nothing but my board shorts grilling hot dogs on the way)
9-lots of boats in Florida.

11. No Alligators in Florida...or sharks for that matter. We were told that the spot we are currently in is a breeding ground for hammerheads, so despite the fact that we haven't seen anything scary in the water we are staying out.
12. The water is brown & dirty. I saw a floating diaper yesterday. (yet another reason never to swim in Florida.)

here is our beautiful boat underway.
To the far right is a picture of a house with netting around their house. Surprisingly enough this is not one of the more elaborate versions. This is standard. 

This is "Night rider" & "My life" We traveled with them for a few days. Justin & Holly & Jake the cutest basset hound we've ever seen were on the midnight rider & Trevor & Brenden were on my life. We will see them in the Bahamas soon hopefully.
Well, hope you all like the pictures!! We have really been slacking on the updates lately. We will (again) try to be better!Hope everyone had a great Christmas & got over the pass safely!! Crazy weather you are having in Washington!! We are especially excited for "second Christmas" in 2 days when we get to open the presents & cards you sent us!!! Thank you all again.
Thanks for all the comments too!! We see some new people wrote too so thanks for that!!!
Merry Christmas ya'll
hey guys! Good to hear from you again. How was your Christmas? Mine was good.Hope you get your gifts soon. Guess what your mom did... She set me up with this guy she met at the Filio's. I got a date tonight. Yay!! He sounds really nice.Looks like it's getting warmer at least. It finally warmed up here. It was 38 today. I got to pull some guy out of the ditch this morning. Keep up on the blogs, and we'll keep reading them. So glad the weather is getting better for you. Talk to you soon! Jess
Hello Guy's and Skippy,
You should be so close......it will be nice to see Grandpa and especially John. How so very great he is comming over.
It is warming up on the West side. Most of the snow is gone now it is just raining alot!!!
Snoqualmie is snowing hard. That is where I hope the snow stays.
I will talk to you soon when you get settled in Fort Lauderdale.
Stay safe.
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