Well, we are in, Charleston South Carolina! And I do not know how to turn underlines off, not sure how I turned it on... We left Wilmington Beach Tuesday and motored to Southport and decided that the forecast looked all right for heading out into the Atlantic, so we kept going... Out Cape Fear river inlet about 3:30 PM.

We both felt pretty good about our dip offshore and our first overnighter!

We saw this fountain and after reading the rules, couldn't help ourselves!

Not sure if you can read them, but #1 is no Solo wading, #13 states the maximum amount of waders should not exceed 25, #5 states that those with diarreah illness should refrain from wading, #7 No persons with open lesions or wounds should wade, #11 all those wading should take a shower prior to wading. Despite the rules and the cold temperatures, Kristen decided to go for a dip...

Charleston is really a beautiful City though! We have a few things to fix, and should be here for a few days.

Charleston is really a beautiful City though! We have a few things to fix, and should be here for a few days.
Great pics, thanks for posting them. What'd you do, make Skippy stand watch all night, he looks exhausted:-)) Pretty spiffy new foulies!
Hey guys!! We miss you. Hope everything is going great and hope the weather is better. The pictures looked like it was sunny at least! We are sending a package down to you. So, expect a call from the post office. Just some useful stuff and some yummy treats... Hope you enjoy it. Give me a call when you get some free time. If you want.. :) Find a hot guy and email me a pic! ha ha. Talk to you guys soon.
Hi Guys,
Sounds like a good overnight! Hope weather holds till you get furter south - I heard a storm was heading your way.
Mialed a package to you today.
Doug and Janet
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