Hi everyone!
Kristen again with a quick update on what's been going on here on Wind-Borne.
We have made our way down the ICW to Wrightsville Beach NC. We were having troubles with the connection on the GPS, and it quit working the first day out, so we finally decided to stop & get it fixed.
We have so far navigated the ICW with only eye sight & paper charts. It will be really nice to have the GPS back up & running so we actually know where the channels are. We have learned a lot about paying attention though. We were behind a vessel the other day who was paying way too much attention to his GPS chart & not to where he was actually going & nearly ran several buoys & markers over. I'm really really happy that we have our chart plotter up & running again!! Life will be a lot simpler!
The weather has been interesting to say the least. It has been extremely cold out here. It has been raining & gross the last 3 days, which has slowed us down considerably. It feels like we are in Seattle. We will be here for the rest of today fixing a few other things aboard & getting a load or two of laundry done. (yay!)
It's nice here in Wrightsville Beach. Lots of stores. West marine, groceries, and a hardware store all right next to each other. They are about a mile and a half walk from the boat. Not bad, it's nice to get some exercise.
We are planning on leaving tomorrow & heading down the road towards Florida again. I'm very excited to be on the way to warmer and nicer weather!!
Last night we sat out force 5 winds with a few gusts at 49 knots of wind. (about 57 mph) we were counting our blessings that we were well anchored! The weather isn't going to get better this week, so we will stay inside the ICW rather than heading outside.
Well, that's it for now. we are safe & happy here in the harbor.
We hope to hear from you all soon!!!!!
Ben & Skippy say hi too!!!

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